Who was your high school Sweet Heart?
I had two, lol Mark of previous Posts Fame, and Kensei, although for I brief period I was with the creepy Ex. (in between Mark and Kensei)
What is your favorite vegetable to eat?
I’m a Corn and Carrots kinda girl lol.
Do you plan on dressing up for Halloween, if yes, what do you have in mind?
I have been debating on the costume, I am leaning toward three, and Indian girl, a Gypsy, or a Geisha girl (Kensei likes the last one)
Are you a reality show junkie? If so, what is your guilty pleasure?
No, Honestly I cant really get into them
What year did you graduate high school?
2004, so about 6 years ago…
I can only eat carrotts if they are blended up and in my food.
I vote for a Gypsy.
Those are some great Halloween costume choices.
hi there Angel!
Thanks for dropping by my blog. :D
I love your background! :D Makes me want to change mine. lol.
Anyway, have a nice day! :D
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