June Recap
1. Buy myself a swimsuit I like Success/Fail I bought one I kinda liked and then returned it.
2. Save at least 50 dollars Big old fat FAIL! I had a total of .10 in my savings account all month.
3. have a mini-vacation with Kensei Fail- We went to Anime Blues but he was to busy working to actually spend time with me
4. Enjoy the Anime Blues Con Success!! I had a lot of fun at the con with my dad and Jujube!
5. Take a lot of pictures Success! At the con alone I took over 400 pictures I will do an Anime Blues Convention post if anyone is interested!
6. Read at least 5 books Success! I finished 6 in June!
July Goals!
- Write at least 1 book review for the blog!
- eat healthier
- join the gym I’ve been debating on all year
- clean the bedroom again
- Because I know I won’t give up Coke-a-Cola for every can of Coke I drink I need to follow it with a glass of water/green tea
- start tracking on My Fitness Pal again
- Clean out my car!
- Wash and Vacuum it!
What are your goals for July?
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