Who was your high school Sweet Heart? I had two, lol Mark of previousPosts Fame, and Kensei, although for I brief period I was with the creepy Ex. (in between Mark and Kensei)
What is your favorite vegetable to eat? I’m a Corn and Carrots kinda girl lol.
Do you plan on dressing up for Halloween, if yes, what do you have in mind? I have been debating on the costume, I am leaning toward three, and Indian girl, a Gypsy, or a Geisha girl (Kensei likes the last one)
Are you a reality show junkie? If so, what is your guilty pleasure? No, Honestly I cant really get into them
What year did you graduate high school? 2004, so about 6 years ago…
Gosh I am a downer lately, but I have more bad news…
What's the worst way to get bad news? Facebook…
My uncle has passed away…
This was on his Facebook this morning..
To all friends of Al's, age 52, I have some sad news!!!!.... This evening when I was checking in on Al, I walked into his home and found that he had passed on!! "THIS IS NOT A HOAX OR A LIE!!!" He has been sick off and on for many months. I visited with him last night at 9:00 pm and left when he said that he was ok after blacking out, I got him on his feet after being layed out on the floor for some time. This afternoon around 5:45, checking on him, I found him passed on in his bedroom, time of death was Tuesday evening, 9:30 or so from what the Monroe County ME said to me. .....This is a sad day for all of us, please make time for a moment of silence for our dear friend Al...................... I will keep Al's site posted with wake and funeral times and days. Donations will be announced when I have more information.
So I called my mother (his sister) and my father and they confirmed it, Seeing as how my Papa, (his father) died in Dec, this is really upsetting to me, because well Now I have lost almost all of my mother’s family.. And I loved them very much…
So I have been at work all night and been bored so I turned to You Tube of course!
Here’s a few of the clips I adored!
Isn't that romantic??
This one made me giggle and smile the entire way through!!
So you might have read my post from yesterday! I have a Penny Puppy and she is magnificent!! I just need to get her to eat out of her bowl lol.
So has anyone ever been drunk dialed (or texted) by an ex? I have recently and well I was kinda uncomfortable, because he’s been hinting that we should get back together every time I’ve spoken to him since our break up, and he cheated on me (i caught him) so I’ve always been saying no, this last call bordered on the creepy stalker side though, he basically started the call out with “You’d look great pregnant, I’d love to knock you up”…………
Ummmmm Thanks? Ewww? WTF?? I have been trying to explain to him I am with Kensei for a while now, and he has been txting me almost everyday from that call, at first he was all “I’m sorry I? was drunk” but he’s back on the same lines of creepy stalker now so I am a lot weirded out.
I absolutely ADORE Keely’s new layout!! Head on over to her new blog for the Awesome that is Keely’s Unmomness! !
And just to make you smile after the stalker talk here's another one I love! Second favorite to the Disney Land one
Ya'll head on over to Keely's new Blog and look in Awe at the awesome! Happy RTT