I am participating in WWTK but I wanted to let you all know quickly…. I killed my computer, I honestly have NO clue what happened but I had to completely reinstall everything!!! and on top of that I lost all my pictures from the last year because of this… I know I should have backed them up but honestly I never did because what could happen to my computer right??
so on to this weeks WWTK

1.} What must you do before you go to bed at night?
hmm before bed every night/day (depending on work) I have to spray my bed heavily with Bath and Body works Stress Relief, I tried the sleepy spray- doesn’t work only that spray works…. which is why I have like 10 bottles sitting on my bookshelf and M is always saying she’s jealous of them!
2.} What is one thing you must snack on at the theater?
Coke with no ice, and a thing of popcorn, extra butter and salt, and a box of M&Ms mixed in… the chocolate every other bite is my favorite thing about the movies.
3.} Before going on vacation what must you do?
I don’t go on vacations often, usually if I do go anywhere its to Charleston, Myrtle Beach or NY with my family, or to see Kensei, so I guess wait until the last possible second to pack? yup that’s me the queen of procrastination.
4.} What is one thing you must do every day?
I honestly have to talk to Kensei every day! lol no really I have to brush my teeth and drink a glass/bottle of coke for my caffeine intake
5.} Is there something you do that must be done in a particular order?
hmmm honestly can’t think of anything, although I am sure if I did it in a different order it would bother me but I’ve never tried any other orders lol.