I am participating in WWTK but I wanted to let you all know quickly…. I killed my computer, I honestly have NO clue what happened but I had to completely reinstall everything!!! and on top of that I lost all my pictures from the last year because of this… I know I should have backed them up but honestly I never did because what could happen to my computer right??
so on to this weeks WWTK

1.} What must you do before you go to bed at night?
hmm before bed every night/day (depending on work) I have to spray my bed heavily with Bath and Body works Stress Relief, I tried the sleepy spray- doesn’t work only that spray works…. which is why I have like 10 bottles sitting on my bookshelf and M is always saying she’s jealous of them!
2.} What is one thing you must snack on at the theater?
Coke with no ice, and a thing of popcorn, extra butter and salt, and a box of M&Ms mixed in… the chocolate every other bite is my favorite thing about the movies.
3.} Before going on vacation what must you do?
I don’t go on vacations often, usually if I do go anywhere its to Charleston, Myrtle Beach or NY with my family, or to see Kensei, so I guess wait until the last possible second to pack? yup that’s me the queen of procrastination.
4.} What is one thing you must do every day?
I honestly have to talk to Kensei every day! lol no really I have to brush my teeth and drink a glass/bottle of coke for my caffeine intake
5.} Is there something you do that must be done in a particular order?
hmmm honestly can’t think of anything, although I am sure if I did it in a different order it would bother me but I’ve never tried any other orders lol.
i am always so intrigued by your relationship with Kensei. it tals a lot of love and effort to keep a long distance relationship going strong...sooo yeah i guess talking to him everyday is a MUST and makes perfect sense.
thanks for linking up with us!!
Ok, you are gonna have to send me one of those bottles to try. I DEF need some stress relief right now!!
Happy Hump Day!
After reading your answer to no 2 it was impossible to think of anything else. YUM.
maybe I should try that spray hmmm??
I keep hearing about the chocolate/popcorn mix... I must try that!! Sounds yummy.
I am going to check out one of those spray bottles for on my bed... I sleep pretty good but I love yummy smells!!
Happy Wednesday!
Hmmmm...I'm gonna have to try that stress relief spray...this insomnia is kicking my butt!
I've never thought of putting M&M's in my popcorn but it seems to be pretty popular (so I'm finding out on WWTK lol) I'm going to have to try it out!
No particular order?! Wow!
Your theater snack sounds yummy. Now I want popcorn and chocolate.
I have never tried the stress relief sprays on the bed. I will certainly try one. Thanks for the idea!
I bet extra butter and salt on the popcorn would make me love it more too! YUMMY!
Thank you for playing with us! =)
i miss coke...you mentioned it twice. 'sucks it's bad for me.
So sorry to hear about your computer... I dread the day it happens to me.. I feel it looming but do nothing about it. I've never heard of spray for sleep aid.. that's pretty interesting!! I'm with Amy on that one- need stress relief!! Where do you buy it? I want to go to Mrytle Beach!!
I am impressed at you keeping a long distance relationship going. That is totally awesome!
Odd! Myrtle Beach is one of my favorite places also.
That is why I live there.
Have you checked out the new Skywheel on the Boardwalk.
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