Mama Kat has her usual Writers Workshop up today, and I saw one I HAD to do.
5.) 10 Reasons why you love your job.
So here goes!
10.) I work crazy hours, like 11pm-7am and 7am-3pm.
9.) I never do them back to back!
8.) I get awesome stories from the hotels for example,
The time Time with the Manhunt, the Time with the drugs and Drunks, The time with annoyances, Naked chicks, and so much more!7.) I can do my nails at work.
6.) I can watch movies and tv shows at work
5.) I get to work with one of my best friends Eri
4.) my boss is awesome!
3.) we get a party on our birthdays
2.) we get two days off paid and a week of paid vacay!
1.) Iget to meet some seriously interesting people!
So those are 10 reason why I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job! Swing on over to Mama Kat’s and tell her why you love yours!

I stopped by from Mama Kat's (I saw your name and just HAD to see what you had to say). :)
I was about your age when I too was working (2 jobs) while going to school. It was crazy busy but it was a great experience and I'm thankful for what I learned about myself during that time.
Good Luck!
wow your job sounds awesome! lol I work at home and the only tv I get to watch is aimed at 2 year olds. thanks for stopping by too btw
your job seems so fun!
here from ICLW!
Sounds like you get to see some pretty interesting people at your job, and to get to watch TV while you work...that's fantastic!!
I actually dont think I could come up with 10 things I love about my job...youre lucky that you can!
I've never heard of this Mama Kat's you speak of...I may just have to check it out.
Happy ICLW!
Sounds like a great place to work!
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