This is a little more complicated for me, I am a pretty complex ball of nerves, obsessions, confidence, doubts and dreams.
I tried to ask Kensei but he shrugged and kept playing his game,
so here is what I think makes me, me.
I am Italian and French and family means everything to me. I love my friends as if they were my family and no one and nothing would change that. I am always willing to look on and for the bright side of life, and tear up at silly commercials.
I dream about doing things and going places but inside I know I am a homebody and unless I won the lottery I’d never actually go.
I see the world though rose colored glasses and I am okay with that. I would much rather believe that a person is good than bad. it is hard for me to see things in shades of grey, I tend to be a white /black right/wrong kind of girl.
What makes you you?