Okay Wow it has been a long time from the last time I posted!! Sorry, but You will not believe what is going on in my life!!
I was kicked out of my apartment, let back in and then kicked out again for two weeks, and finally moved back in on Sunday.
I have a new job. Its at another hotel, and a pay raise and better hours, so I am happy about that.
I almost was moving to TN tomorrow… but that is a post in itself.
I not have less than a week to get a roommate, or pray that my complex has a one bedroom available for me to move into. ASAP.
Other than that life is pretty random lol,
I want a Disney Wedding, but I know that any wedding with a 10k min, won’t happen.
Kensei thinks I am crazy to want one
Make sure to stop on over to Keely’s because her Randoms are way better than Mine!!

Wow you have been busy, I like the new blog design. Good luck in all your new endeavors.
Your apartment issues don't sound like fun at all. Good luck with the whole roommate thing - or getting a one bedroom apartment!
You're not crazy for wanting a Disney Wedding - it's your dream wedding after all! ;)
Shocking Fence, Cuckoo's Nest, Spring Has Sprung
Yep. My ex-bff (she slept with my brother and dumped me when she dumped him after 20 years of friendship *random*)is getting married in Disney and it's costing a fortune!
Sounds like you have been busy. Congratulations on your new job.
I am here :mingling: :)
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