I have been thinking today that even though I was born in the north, (and lived there for a while) I might have been born a belle, because as we all know Southern Belles are born not Made.
So I pulled up some of the golden rules of being a Belle and compared myself to them.
A Southern Belle’s Ten Golden Rules
1) Never serve pink lemonade at your Junior League committee meetings. It has communist undertones.
2) Always wear white when you walk down the aisle (even if it’s for the third time).
3) Never wear white shoes before Easter or after Labor Day. The only exception, of course, is if you’re a bride. Bridesmaids, however, must never wear white shoes. Bridesmaids’ shoes should match the punch.
4) It doesn’t matter if you marry a man who doesn’t know the difference between a shrimp fork and a pickle fork. You can always teach him. Just make sure he can afford to buy you both.
5) Never date your sorority sister’s ex-husband until at least three years after the divorce. You might need her to write your daughter a Kappa Kappa Gamma recommendation one day. Just remember it’s a lot easier to find a new man than it is to get your daughter into Kappa.
6) Never marry a man whose mother and grandmother owned silver plate instead of real silver. He’s not used to quality and he’ll try to cheat you on the divorce settlement.
7) It’s never to soon to write a thank-you note. Some belles take the notes and a pen with them to party. In the middle of the evening they go into the ladies’ room and write a thank-you describing how much they enjoyed the dinner (naming specific items). They then put the note in the mailbox as they leave. The hostess receives it first thing in the morning. Sure this is compulsive, but you’re going to have to be compulsive if you want to be president of the Junior League.
8 ) Never show your bosom before evening and never wear and ankle bracelet before anything. Girls who wear ankle bracelets usually end up twirling batons. There has never been a baton twirler who became Miss America and there’s certainly never been a baton twirler in the Junior League.
9) Never chew gum in public and never smoke on the street.
10) Buy low. Sell high.
~ from A Southern Belle Primer
I Think some of these go with me even though I’ve never been in a sorority. (I want to though!) What do you think, are any of you guys Belles?

Um, I am still trying to figure out the ankle bracelet rule... huh??
That's hilarious!
Well, I've never served pink lemonade at a junior league meeting, but then again I'm not a member of the junior league.
I don't wear ankle bracelets, but that's because I don't have one.
I think every woman has a little southern belle in her somewhere...
While I'm a born and bred belle, I just turned down an invite to our local JL! I feel I have a few more years of refining before I'm presentable enough for those ladies!
I'm actually in the midst of writing a southern manners post so this came at the perfect time! How cute.
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