Kensei is not as thrilled as I am about it though according to him it is “just another stupid Twilight”
Now onto the book. I read Beautiful Creatures on my Kindle so I don’t have a picture of the actual book to show you. Finished it on January 8th 2013.
I was a little surprised when I read this book. First of all I am very used to young adult novels being told from the heroine’s point of view. Almost ALL of this book is told through the Hero’s eyes, which was very refreshing.
It was the opposite of the usual formula, instead of the mysterious male it is the female who moves to the tiny town and the hero has to decipher and befriend her. There are several stories woven throughout the book, Ethan and his mother, Ethan and Lena and even Ethan (our Ethan’s great great great uncle) and Genevieve Duchannes.
This book has everything I was looking for love, magic, mysteries thrill and suspense and the best thing of all? (I know people are going to be mad at me for this but..” NOT a SINGLE Vampire or Werewolf in sight!! There are good guys who are bad and bad guys who have good in them and you have no clue which ones are which. It is a definite read and I will be in line to see the movie as soon as it comes out!!
What books are you reading? I would LOVE some recommendations!

Oh, that sounds LOVELY! Thank you. :D
I want to read Beautiful Creatures, given the trailer and the premise, and now the fact that it's got morally grey characters and no tired supernatural creature tropes.
As far as recommendations, I gotta go with The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms for you.
This looks really good, I'm going to have to read and watch :)
i want to read these they sound good
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