Hey guys!! It's Day 2 of the Big 20/20 Event!!! I hope that you all are enjoying this! I'd love to see some DIYS you have done too, please leave me a comment below!!

This tutorial is brought to you by the lovely Llinos.
A non fiction book can be a fabulous way of marketing your business or blog, and I'm here to remove the fear factor from it. Last year I planned and wrote my first book, a true story of my time as a cancer patient, which is being released in 2014.
A book of this type has infinite possibilities for you. You can use it as a giveaway on your website, to gain bookings as a speaker, or of course to build your profile as a writer.
So here's my guide to getting your book all planned out and ready to write...
1. First of all, you need to decide on a topic. Are you going to write about an experience from your own life? Or is the book going to be about the story of your business success? (See the above picture for my ideas!)

2. Once you have decided, you probably have concerns about getting the project done. Don't worry, it's completely natural. Write down a list of your worries. Then scribble them out and write the complete opposite. Don't let fear hold you back!

3. Get a pad of post its and write an affirmation on each piece of paper, in order to inspire you to complete the book. Write about how you want to feel as you write the book, and how you will be elated when you complete the project.

4. On a sheet of A4 paper, design a mind map of the book's outline. Don't overthink it, go with what feels natural for every chapter. Having a bubble for every chapter would be a good start. Enjoy using different pens and colors!

5. When you're happy with your chapter headings and can stick the map on the wall where you can see it, you can mind map each chapter with the important points to include in every one. Remember you don't have to find all content from scratch; you can use your blog posts, or journal entries. Look through your work or browse photos for inspiration and guidance on what to include in the book.
You now have a clear map of your book. Get to it and write!
And here's a little more about the lovely Llinos:
What inspires you?
I get lots of inspiration from nature, books and animals. I'm lucky to have a vivid imagination and a deep love of life.
Where do you get ideas?
I browse blogs and Etsy. I doodle and see where the journey takes me. I always have a stock of pretty paper or paints to get ideas flowing.
How long have you been creating products?
I first got in touch with my creative nature and began making candles about 5 years ago. Then I drifted away from it, and in 2012 developed a love of making art and cards. All my life I have written stories and articles.
What is your biggest dream for the future?
My big, beautiful dream is to set up my own successful Etsy shop and inspire women with my card designs and affirmations. I also want to raise oodles of money for charity and write lots of books, fiction and non fiction, and release them into the world for the women who need them most.

Llinos is a writer, speaker, fundraiser and creative soul who lives in Cardiff, UK. Find her at Inspiration After Illness or on Twitter @afterillness
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