This post is brought to you by the lovely Sarah.
Hey there! Today I wanted to share with you some cute little cat collars I stitched recently for my beloved kitties :) I love making things for them and pestering them for photos - they don't like it quite so much though ;)
Here's what you will need for this project (pictured above): 2 bows, ribbon, lace, pins, needles, scissors, embroidery floss, a tie, a teddy.

1. Measure the length of ribbon you need for your cat's neck. I used their old collars as a guide at this point. Make sure the ribbon isn't too tight around their necks.

2. Cut your new ribbon to size and sew both ends together.

3. Add on your bow to your ribbon. Stitch it well as all stitches will be hidden behind the bow anyway.

4. Ta-Da! Our first two bow collars are now completed! (I repeated the same steps above for each).

5. A Tie collar - you need your tie, ribbon, needle, thread and teddy for this bit!

6. Tie your tie around your teddy's neck. Don't worry about the neck width as this won't be going around your kitty. Make the tie itself quite short.

7. Stitch the tie's knot in place really well. Hide all of your stitches in the back so you can't see them on the finished item.

9. Cut off the collar and the long thin end of the tie.

10. Stitch up the cut off ends to avoid fraying.

11. Tuck in the collar section and stitch well to avoid any stray threads.

Look - no stitches!

12. Sew on your ribbon circle (as above).


13. Take your lace and ribbon for this collar - this is a peter pan style lace collar.

14. Cut out two half moon shapes from the lace.

15. Stitch your pieces of lace onto your ribbon circle.


I had a little photo shoot with the kitties once I had the collars ready. Murphy really was not keen on being photographed, as you will see!

Darla was much more obliging!

4 brand new dress up collars for your kitties! (PS. these collars should not be left on kitties unsupervised. They shouldn't be allowed to stray from the house in them as they could become tangled in branches and be fatal! Strictly for indoor photo shoots only!)

Sarah Leonard is a curious soul, who lives a magical creative life with her kitties and her husband. She runs an Etsy store full to the brim with artistic curiousities, and writes regularly on her blog A Cat-Like Curiosity. She is also the founder of The Curiously Gorgeous Sisterhood, a gorgeous community full of light, life and inspiration.
1 comment:
I love this!! So creative. c:
You should sell cat collars on Etsy.
Your kitty's friggen adorable by the way. c;
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