Make sure you go to Keely's and look at more randomness!
Have you ever noticed that people who used to be pretty aren't anymore?? now this doesn't apply to everyone but still.
Keely was talking about the scam emails, I wish one would be real, but with my luck i would delete it anyways.
I wonder if the owner of the hotel could come down off his high horse and stay in the hotel for a night perhaps he would understand why we don't sell out of rooms.
I HATE Roaches!!! They are evil creepy things.
I love when people call you and you answer they hang up so you call back and they go oh wrong number, say that when I answer!!!!
Do you see these pretty (chipped and not so cute) nails????
The polish glows in the freaking dark!!! I have amused myself so much since I figured that out!

Kensei and I are in an odd phase right now, he has been out will his friends every night until threeish in the morning, which is great for him, but that means we don't talk because I sleep.