okay so the title is a little lack luster but It is Labor Day, that means several things: in 14/13 days (depending on how you count) I am turning a whole year older! Its not one of the cool birthdays you know, 18, 21, 25 but still I like birthdays! Also that means there is One
monthish (again depending on how you count) until Halloween, which is great because well for one it is free candy day, and I dress up even though I am WAY to old to trick or treat I still sometimes do! Plus it is
Kensei's and my 8
th or 9
th anniversary of dating with intention to eventually marry. ( I don't count the year we weren't speaking but he does)
SO with all these awesome things coming up I might even go crazy and post like a
psycho as I did yesterday (4 posts in one day WHAT WAS I THINKING??)
Because I am a little last on pot topics I am sending a few links your way check out these awesome peoples posts today!
Ashley's Closet - full of sarcastic and hilarious humor
Keely who is unfortunately not friends with mosquitoes
Captain who scared some people
Some good choices there!
Thanks for stopping by last week! Happy early birthday.
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