I was given Cupcakes by Amber! Homemade ones too!
Austa drew me as an Anime Girl, and she drew M too!

That's me lol
and this is M!
Than I had a god day in classes, except in Poetry where I found out that i am at an intellectual low, from my professor opening my horoscope in the middle of class.

This one means that I am good at physical stuff now (then how come I'm so tired) and REALLY bad at being smart right now, So I asked him if that meant he would go easy on me because we have a paper due, he laughed and moved on with the lecture so I am taking that as a No.

I did end up enjoying work, Eri and M came by to visit me and so my last two hours were fun!

Eri gave me the cutest faerie necklace and M gave me a bento when she got back from Japan
And then Jujube gave me two more faeries to add to my collection!

All in all even with the work I had a really good birthday!

Sounds like you got spoiled! LOL!
Sounds like you have some great friends. Happy ICLW.
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