Monday, September 07, 2009

i have run out of witty titles for this blog I think...

okay so the title is a little lack luster but It is Labor Day, that means several things: in 14/13 days (depending on how you count) I am turning a whole year older! Its not one of the cool birthdays you know, 18, 21, 25 but still I like birthdays! Also that means there is One monthish (again depending on how you count) until Halloween, which is great because well for one it is free candy day, and I dress up even though I am WAY to old to trick or treat I still sometimes do! Plus it is Kensei's and my 8th or 9th anniversary of dating with intention to eventually marry. ( I don't count the year we weren't speaking but he does)

SO with all these awesome things coming up I might even go crazy and post like a psycho as I did yesterday (4 posts in one day WHAT WAS I THINKING??)

Because I am a little last on pot topics I am sending a few links your way check out these awesome peoples posts today!

Ashley's Closet - full of sarcastic and hilarious humor
Keely who is unfortunately not friends with mosquitoes
Captain who scared some people apparently


Mike said...

Some good choices there!

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

Thanks for stopping by last week! Happy early birthday.

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