Hi guys!!! I haven’t done one of these in a while and I wanted to review an entire series instead of just one book, each book will have a little bit about what I thought about it though!
I just finished book 3 (4?) of Elizabeth Boyle’s Rhymes With Love series.

First off I want to say I am not fond of the current trend to release half books, and mini books in only eBook form, I have an eBook but if I hadn’t gotten the 1st and 3rd book free from amazon kindle I never would have known about book 2.5 and been super confused in book 3.
I did have one major issue with this series and that mainly occurred in the 2.5 and 3rd books, they jumped around so much from past, to present to future that I lost where I was and was so very confused that I had to stop reading a few times so I wouldn’t get a headache.
The first book, Along Came A Duke, I liked, it introduced us to all of the main characters and the prank that leads to the second book, and the little town all of the Heroines are from. It was a little formulamatic BUT it was in a good way.
You pretty much knew where the story was leading letting you enjoy the development of the characters.
In the second, And The Miss Ran Away With A Rake, the prank that was played in the first book, where the nephew posts an add in the paper for his uncle to find a bride, really kicks in. The two have been writing for a while now and neither know they are Dales and Seldons a la the hatfields and McCoy's or the Capulet's and Montague's. I liked this book best out of the series, although I do wish that it contained flash backs in the start of the book so we knew a little more about why the two family's hated each other so.
in 2.5 Have You Any Rouges I started to get a headache, first of all its another Dale and Seldon story which was nice, but if the two main characters cared so much for each other, why did they despise the family members in the first book so much? and the story had good potential, but the flash backs and short story really didn’t leave it anywhere to develop.
and now we have book 3. If Wishes Were Earls. This one is another book that just jumped to much, it jumped from character to character, from past to present, from the hero and heroine to his parents, add that in with missing diamonds, and an odd engagement it was almost like 3 or 4 stories in one book and just to much.
I did enjoy the series and if she comes out with another for this series, (which I have heard there might be one or two more books, as a set of twins was introduced in the first novel) I would be willing to give it a shot.
Have you read this series? What did you think? Do you want to read the series?