So It's Time for Part 2!! April, May and June! There also were not a lot of posts from these months, I seem to have lost some of my blogging mojo in the first half of the year!
I joined in on Short Mama’s Journey from Muffin Top to Skinny Jeans, I made a lot of resolutions that I have not kept, although reading back now, I plan to try again!
My Best Friend M had some serious Misadventures in Romance in her life, I am glad to say she divorced Navyboi finally, (read that post for more information on the two not so great men in her life.) but she is still talking to MarineBoi and he is still hitting her.. she is distancing herself from him though, so I am very glad of that.
I had a very bad month With the Passing of my Papa, which tore me apart inside, I did not get to say goodbye because of my mother and I have a lot of regrets from that whole situation, because I didn’t know that later this year I would also loose my Uncle.
I participated in Short mama's Spring Swap!! I got so Many Wonderful things!! If she ever host’s another I plan to sign right up!!
May Was a very stressful month for me:
I ranted about the way some people behave in a hotel, through a collection of cute sticky notes.
James Dean and Ingio Montoya stayed at my hotel!
I tried to find my style only to realize that I don’t really have one although I’d love to wear the clothes I showed!!
I got kicked out, moved back in and kicked out once more, quit my job, got a new one! and moved back in again. all in 1.5 weeks
I found out my new hotel was closing… then being kept open…. then closing again
another worried and sucky month for me, Still was worried about losing my job and paying for the apartment on my own.
Lost the job officially, it was a really bad week for me!
My mother and I had some issues,
So I was jobless and paycheck-less, but I got a lot of things done!
Got my paycheck and Prue Moved in!!
Told a little about me!!!
The Wonderful Ladies in charge of the Recap Buttons!!

They are all Wonderful Blogs and Great Stories!!

Agh! I have read so many of the ladies blogs where may was miserable! What's up with may?! My may was crappy too. It did make June pretty good though:) we could only go up!!! Lol
What is it about people and hotels anyway? I swear it is like all their manners --if they had any to start with--go right out the window. I hope the next three months were a little calmer for you.
I'm sorry for the loss of your Papa :( But it does look like you accomplished quite a few things during this part of the year, even though it was difficult :)
Claudia from Molto ❤ Fashion
Holy cow, so much change in those months! Wow. Hoping the rest of the year was better for you.
Thanks for linking up again
I will be having another swap in March!
Wow, you had a lot of ups and downs! Looking forward to seeing what your next recap brings.
hey Angel! :) thanks for the comment you left on my blog :) ur blogs nice too love the pink :) cheers! :)
Hello there! Thanks for stopping by. It is alwasy so fun to look abck over the past year.
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