I am sick.... It all started on Thursday when I had to do my clothes at the laundromat. I can't use my parents machine for some reason. So I picked up Jujube from school and we spent the next 4 hours at the local coin laundry. Yes, we were there from 4pm until 9 pm. I started getting the chills then. I promised Jujube dinner so I took her to Makato's a Japanese restaurant down the block from the coin laundry, and spent $49 dollars on food. Which I didn't finish because I was feeling ill. (they charged me 59 so we will deal with that when the bank opens on Monday. ) went to work on Friday still feeling sick and then on Friday night when I got home I was so sick I couldn't stop shivering. so stayed home. now I am not going to give you all the gory details but I probably shouldn't be at work today only my boss wouldn't cover for me again. Here's hoping I am better by tomorrow, because as part of my aid requirements I cannot miss one day of class.
I hope you are feeling better, it is awful to have to keep going when you don't feel well.
Aww... I hope you feel better. I hate laundromats. Both my washer and dryer have been broken for like a year. I hate washing my clothes because it's like an all day affair. ugg!! But, GET WELL SOON.
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