Well it is time for me to write my randomness again!!
My first random thought was have you ever gotten something for really doing nothing? I was helping a friend write a paper tonight, (My other friend says he was flirting but I don't agree) and He left to go get food at 2:30 am, He said he would by me food if I could figure out a way to BS his paper one more paragraph to four pages. Well I was looking at his paper and noticed that half of it was in a smaller font, so I changed it to MLA (Times New Roman size 12) and guess what? His paper was not five pages long! I called him and efore I could tell him how I did it he said he would get me food. So I am letting him!
We were supposed to have a snow day yesterday. HA! There wasn't even frost on the cars! Why can't the weather man be right?
My friend M and I were talking about whether C was flirting or not and we both decided I am right and he wasn't, and if we were guys we would totally hit on each other. Is that odd or just sleep deprivation?
Keely had a post the other day about her Beating Heart besides the fact that I want one is does Kensei use a 'teddy bear' I was thinking about it he has a rather big fluffy pillow... I think he does. I am sure he won't be happy being outed but he will deal.
I need more blankets for my car. I love my sleeping bag and Lion King Blanket, but I was extremely cold Monday morning. And I will probably be so again.
My randomness has run out because I am not quite awake at work. Have a great Tuesday guys!
You DID do something - you used your noodle! Isn't that what college is for? ;)
Happy Tuesday!
This I love. What I want to know is how are you getting to work and writing this at the same time? I am impressed. Also slightly jealous.
Food trumps school work any day! : )
I would have gone ahead and let him get the free food too!
Nothing worse than a denied snow day...
Ha! Font size is the best way to finish a paper ever.
He wanted you to fix his paper and you did so that's not cheating. I never got a snow day in college because I lived on campus!
Have a great day :)
I love the font trick....until my professors started specifying the font size so we couldn't use a bigger font and cheat.
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