Well I was inspired for this week by a post that Keely did
If I could Talk to little me what would I say? I didn't want to them to be all funny or all deep So if I could talk to myself at lets say age, 10 sounds good, I would have just been going into middle school, What would I say?
Here are my 13 things!
1. Yes Skeptical me, I am you from the future. I can prove it, you read your first romance novel last year while you and your cousin were locked in your father's computer room for being bad.
2. Just because you cousin keeps her perfume in the contacts case doesn't mean you can pour some in while she is soaking the contacts. That is not a good Idea.
3. I know you don't want to believe it but school is important, you should at least try.
4. Try to join as many clubs as you can, being a social outcast is not fun.
5. Yes you will be popular in high school but not the way you imagine, you will have lots of acquaintance's but few friends.
6. Don't fight with your boyfriend when you are 16 it is all a bug misunderstanding.
7. Just because you think you know what you want to be when you grow up doesn't mean you will, try other things too.
8. You will meet the man of your dreams a few times, get to know them well before you decide they are the one.
9. Sometimes you and mom will have particularly nasty fights, save the running away for the big ones it gets tiring.
10. Always stick to your beliefs, don't let yourself be compromised for others, it will start a pattern it takes you a while to get out of.
12. Don't high light your hair that blond color when you are 13, I don't care how good the lady says you will look, go red or light brown but not that blond color. It doesn't look good at all.
13. Remember to Love, Laugh, and be happy. And always smile you never know who's falling in love with it.
Great post. I really like numbers 4 through 8. 10, 11 and 13 are also very important life lessons.
Even thinking about the 13 year old me is pretty scary. Loved your list though (smile).
Good sage advice. Happy Thursday!
I wonder if I would have listened to and older me. I could have saved myself a lot of heartache, but then I'd not be the same me today.
That's such a great idea for a TT post. I wouldn't really know what to say to Younger Me, but #11 is definitely a point I would mention. LOL
that's such a great list and a wicked good idea!
#9 & #12 made me laugh - #13 is such a great piece of advice. Ever notice that whenever you are happy and in love that's when you get all the attention from other guys all of a sudden? It's because you are happy. Sulking is not usually attractive. Glad you shared that with your 10 year old self - will save her a lot of trouble later!
Definitely words of wisdom!! Love it. Happy TT and thanks for stopping by:)
Hey. This is a great list. Money's important. I'm with you on #10. Fights with mom..done that too...realized that we can co-exist without the need to agree on everything. And definitely be open to new things and experiences (#4). If you can a real friend, you will have real friends (#5). And being in love does make the world a better place (#13)...
This is a great TT idea! I'm thinking what I would say to myself, and #11 is definitely one of them, but more likely, I'd also say, don't just save money, MAKE more money and INVEST, when you're young so you'll have more!
Who knows, if I'd had that foresight, I could've been a millionaire before I turned 21!
One can always dream...
This is very cute! I'm over from AliceAudry. I especially love "9. Sometimes you and mom will have particularly nasty fights, save the running away for the big ones it gets tiring."
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